Get Quartz Jobs Under
Control With QuartzDesk
QuartzDesk is a self-hosted web-based Quartz scheduler management and monitoring application supporting all versions of Quartz newer than or equal to 1.8.5.

Manage Your Quartz Schedulers,
Jobs and Triggers
Easily start, pause and stop any of the managed Quartz schedulers.
Perform common job and trigger operations such as ad-hoc job triggering, adding of a new job, pausing and resuming of a job / trigger group etc.

View Job Execution History
Execution history captures 30+ runtime parameters for each job execution such as the execution start and end time, duration, status, result, error and many more.

View Job Execution Logs
Log messages produced by executed jobs can be intercepted and recorded for later review and analysis.
This feature is available for all popular Java logging frameworks, such as JUL, Log4j, Log4j2, Logback, or in-house frameworks built on top of the aforementioned APIs.

Check Job and Trigger
Execution Statistics
Job and trigger execution data is processed and used to produce visually appealing and interactive statistical reports.
All statistics are available for a year, quarter, month, week and day periods.

Be Notified Of Any
Job Execution Condition
Notification rules keep you notified of any job execution-related events.
Notification rule conditions can be scripted in JavaScript and make use of 40+ scripting variables with collected job execution data.

Easily Set Up and Test
Messaging Parameters
With message channel profiles you can configure message delivery parameters once and then reuse the configuration in various contexts (e.g. in notification rules).
Supported channels include all popular Instant messaging (IM) protocols such as AIM, GTalk, ICQ, Jabber/XMPP and Yahoo, as well as email, SNMP Trap and Web Service channels.

Monitor Individual Jobs,
Triggers and Schedulers
QuartzDesk exposes a REST API for scheduler, job and trigger monitoring. The API is designed to be easily integrated into popular system and network monitoring solutions such as Nagios, Casti, etc.

Control All Quartz Schedulers
Through Single WS Endpoint
QuartzAnywhere web-service provides a single endpoint through which you can perform more than 30 management and monitoring operations on local and remote Quartz schedulers, jobs and triggers.