Older Releases

Stable 1.4.0

Released on:
Sunday, 29 December 2013 03:00

QuartzDesk v1.4.0 Artifacts

Please refer to the Release notes for the list of new features, fixes and other changes in this release.

Release notes


New features:

o WEB: Added support for adding/editing of Quartz triggers. All 6 trigger types (CronTrigger, SimpleTrigger, CalendarIntervalTrigger, DailyTimeIntervalTrigger, DateIntervalTrigger, NthIncludedDayTrigger) are supported.

o WEB: Quartz trigger type specific attributes can be inspected in all trigger grids by expanding the trigger row.

o WEB: Added support for SNMPv1 Trap, SNMPv2c Trap and SNMPv3 Trap message channels.

o WEB: Added validation of the execution notification rule"s Enabled From and Enabled To times. The Enabled From time must precede the Enabled To time.

o WEB: Added QuartzDesk and QuartzDesk JVM Agent license edition checks when opening a scheduler view in the GUI.

o WEB: Added support for OEM overriding of QuartzDesk web-application images, CSS styles and JavaScript resources. This feature requires a license key with the OEM feature flag.

Fixed Bugs:

o AGENT: Fixed "java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: null" that occurs when the QuartzJobListener is automatically registered in Quartz 2.0.0. Other Quartz API versions not affected.

o AGENT: Fixed issue (TECH-HK5L0P1R97) causing "org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: integer out of range" on PostgreSQL DB and similar errors on other DBs when updating job/trigger/scheduler execution statistics.

o WEB: Fixed invalid validation message key problems in the execution notification rule editor.

o WEB: Fixed a problem with occasionally broken tooltips.

o WEB: Fixed a problem with grid filters (job/trigger group name) not applied when the user clicks on a column to change grid sorting.

o WEB: Read-only form elements have by reduced opacity and can therefore be easily distinguished.


o AGENT: Major re-factoring and cleanup of the Quartz scheduler instrumentation APIs.

o AGENT: Added detection of the QuartzDesk Public API prior to instrumenting Quartz API. If the QuartzDesk Public API is not detected, or is not installed properly, users see explanatory warning messages in the QuartzDesk JVM Agent logs.

o AGENT: (TECH-8B5689G970) For MySQL databases changed the type of the qd_q_exec_history.log column from TEXT to MEDIUMTEXT to be able to store intercepted job execution log data whose length exceeds 64kB (TEXT type limit).

o AGENT: Added startup check that prevents the agent from starting with the QuartzDesk Lite edition license key. The agent requires either the Standard, or Enterprise edition license key.

o SERVICE: New version (4.0) of the QuartzAnywhere web-service reflecting changes in the QuartzDesk domain model. getTriggers, getTrigger and getTriggersOfJob operations now return full-fledged trigger objects rather then trigger stubs normally provided by QuartzSchedulerMBean. Added new addTrigger and updateTrigger operations.

o SERVICE: New version (4.0) of the MessageReceiver web-service. This is just a formal upgrade as there have not been any functional changes to this web-service.

o WEB: Upgraded the bundled ExtJS framework to the latest commercial release version 4.2.2 (ext-

o WEB: Fixed "javax.management.openmbean.InvalidKeyException: Argument key="fireInstanceId" is not an existing item name for this CompositeData instance." when loading the contents of the Currently Executing Jobs on Quartz 2.0.0. Other Quartz versions not affected.

o WEB: Job grid is automatically refreshed upon adding a new job, or updating/cloning of an existing job.

o WEB: Added user-friendlier error message that pops up when the user is adding a new job, or editing an existing job and the specified job class is not found in the remote Quartz-enabled application.

o WEB: Updated the Oracle Hibernate dialect to remove the "HHH000063: The Oracle9Dialect dialect has been deprecated" warning from the application log during application startup.

o WEB: The job detail durability flag in the job detail editor is checked by default. This is to prevent an error message that pops up when adding a new non-durable job without a trigger.

o WEB: Added QuartzDesk JVM Agent compatibility checking to all QuartzDesk internal jobs that make use of QuartzDesk JVM Agent MBeans.

o WEB: All temporary files (exported chart images, job execution logs) are created under ${quartzdesk.work.dir}/tmp directory rather then in the default OS default temporary directory.


File size:
2.95 Mb
MD5 Signature:
SHA1 Signature:

QuartzDesk JVM Agent Library

Required by: QuartzDesk Standard and Enterprise edition
Please refer to the QuartzDesk JVM Agent Installation and Upgrade Guide for installation / upgrade instructions.


File size:
709.31 Kb
MD5 Signature:
SHA1 Signature:

QuartzDesk Public API Library

Required by: QuartzDesk Standard and Enterprise edition
Please refer to the QuartzDesk JVM Agent Installation and Upgrade Guide for installation / upgrade instructions.

Apache Maven Users
The QuartzDesk Public API library is also available in the Maven Central repository. To add the library as a dependency to your Maven project, please add the following dependency element to your project's POM:

<dependency>   <groupId>com.quartzdesk</groupId>   <artifactId>quartzdesk-api</artifactId>   <version>1.4.0</version>   <scope>runtime</scope> </dependency>


File size:
35.72 Mb
MD5 Signature:
SHA1 Signature:

QuartzDesk Web Application

Required by: All QuartzDesk editions
Please refer to the QuartzDesk Web Application Installation and Upgrade Guide for installation / upgrade instructions.