Older Releases

Older Releases

Use the View Files link below to download individual QuartzDesk release artifacts.

Please note that QuartzDesk requires a license key. Unless you already have one, you can obtain a license key here: We offer 30-day trial license keys for the Standard and Enterprise edition.


By downloading the QuartzDesk software from this site, you agree to the terms and conditions laid out in the following License Agreement documents. Please review the document relevant to the QuartzDesk edition that you intend to install and use.

Licensee TypeLicense Agreement
Non-OEMQuartzDesk Lite Edition License Agreement
QuartzDesk Standard / Enterprise Edition License Agreement
OEMOEM Partner specific License Agreement

Stable 1.5.0

Released on:
Tuesday, 25 March 2014 15:37

QuartzDesk v1.5.0 Artifacts

Tomcat Users!

If you are upgrading the QuartzDesk Web Application from 1.4.x or an older release, you will need to update the QuartzDesk Web Application data-source JNDI name in your ${TOMCAT_HOME}/conf/server.xml file before deploying this release.


You will also need to update the QuartzDesk data-source JNDI name in the QuartzDesk Web Application deployment descriptor cached by Tomcat in ${TOMCAT_HOME}/conf/Catalina/[hostname]/quartzdesk.xml.

<jdbc/quartzdesk" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
<jdbc/QuartzDeskDS" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>

Please note that QuartzDesk Web Application Installation and Upgrade Guides have been updated to reflect this change.


This release brings the following major changes:

50%+ Improvement In GUI Load/Start Time

We have optimized the QuartzDesk Web Application to dramatically reduce its load/start time. This has been achieved primarily by merging and minifying all application JavaScript resources.

H2 Support

Starting with this release we have added support for the H2 database profile to support QuartzDesk JVM Agent and QuartzDesk Web Application deployments with H2 database. All H2 operating modes (mem, file, tcp) are fully supported.

All installation and upgrade guides have been updated to reflect this change.


All forms have been updated to use tooltips that are available for the majority of form fields. This is to further improve the usability of our product and to provide some guidance to users who are not necessarily Java Quartz scheduler experts.

New QuartzDesk GUI Tooltips

Data Maintenance Tasks

We have added three maintenance tasks that can be used to purge old, possibly unused, data collected for registered Quartz scheduler connections. QuartzDesk JVM Agents collect this data and store it in their databases. The new tasks are:

AgentExecHistoryPurgingJobThis task periodically purges old execution history data.

We recommend purging the execution history data in order to keep the QuartzDesk JVM Agent database at a reasonable size. This is especially important for high-traffic systems with thousands of job executions every day.

This task is executed using a cron trigger whose configuration can be adjusted using the following quartzdesk.properties configuration parameter:

AgentExecHistoryLogPurgingJobThis task periodically purges log data in execution history records.

We recommend purging the execution history log data in order to keep the QuartzDesk JVM Agent database at a reasonable size. This is especially important for systems that produce lengthy job execution logs.

This task is executed using a cron trigger whose configuration can be adjusted using the following quartzdesk.properties configuration parameter:

AgentMessagePurgingJobThis task periodically purges sent and failed notification messages.

This task is executed using a cron trigger whose configuration can be adjusted using the following quartzdesk.properties configuration parameter:


The scheduler connection registration dialog has been reworked to allow users to enable/disable these tasks for individual scheduler connections. By default, all these tasks are disabled for all existing and new scheduler connections. When users enable a particular task for a specific scheduler connection, they can also adjust various task-specific parameters, such as the number of days to keep the execution history data etc.

The following figure shows the new Maintenance Tasks options in the scheduler connection registration dialog:

New Maintenance Tasks

JMXMP Connector

The QuartzDesk JVM Agent can optionally start a JMXMP protocol connector. The JMXMP connector is an alternative JMX connector to the commonly used JMX/RMI connector that is typically enabled by setting com.sun.management.jmxremote.* JVM system properties. 

As opposed to the JMX/RMI protocol, the JMXMP protocol is firewall-friendly because it uses only a single static TCP port. The JMX/RMI protocol, on the other hand, uses two ports - the RMI registry port and the RMI server port. While the RMI registry port is static, the RMI server port is typically allocated dynamically for each JMX/RMI connection.

To configure the JMXMP connector, please use the following new quartzdesk-agent.properties options:


For the description of individual JMXMP connection options, please refer to sample quartzdesk-agent.properties configuration file provided in the extra/work directory inside the quartzdesk-agent JAR.

Agent Initializer API

This API makes it easy for developers to embed and distribute the QuartzDesk JVM Agent as an integral part of their standalone Quartz scheduler enabled applications and custom application containers. Developers can use the API to initialize the agent programatically without the need to set up the agent work directory. Developers can register a logging interceptor to make the agent redirect its log messages to the application/container log or elsewhere.

Additionally, if the standalone application runs on a Sun/Oracle JVM 6 or newer, it can now use the Attach API to dynamically load the agent into the running JVM during its startup. Once the application uses the Attach API, there is no need to specify the -javaagent JVM argument which is normally required to use the agent.

We are going to document this new API soon on our website. In the meantime, if you are interested in details, please send your enquiry to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - we will be happy to provide further information and support on this topic.


Please refer to the Release notes for the complete list of all new features, fixes and other changes in this release.

Release notes


New features:

o AGENT: The agent can automatically start a JMXMP connector. Therefore users are no longer required to specify the JMX/RMI related Java system properties to start the JMX/RMI connector and they can safely switch to using the JMXMP connector. The JMXMP protocol is a firewall-friendly alternative to the commonly used JMX/RMI protocol. 

o AGENT: The agent can now be also loaded dynamically into the JVM by using the Sun/Oracle Attach API, or an alternative (proprietary) API. This is suitable for cases where users wish to bundle the agent with their application (typically a standalone Java application) and/or do not want to start the JVM with the javaagent JVM argument and the quartzdesk-agent.work.dir JVM property. 

o AGENT: Added new AgentInitializer API and initializerClass agent option. The value of this option is expected to be a FQCN of a class name implementing the com.quartzdesk.agent.api.IAgentInitializer interface. This option makes it possible to programmatically initialize and register the agent with the JVM that supports the Attach API. This new API and agent option is suitable for standalone applications that wish to have full control over agent initialization. 

o AGENT: Added support for H2 database profile. All H2 operating modes (in-memory, file and tcp) are supported. H2 support in the agent is intended primarily for development and experimental purposes. All QuartzDesk JVM Agent Installation and Upgrade Guides updated accordingly. 

o WEB: Added a new job AgentExecHistoryPurgingJob that purges old execution history records in QuartzDesk JVM Agent databases used by managed schedulers. This job purges execution history records that are older than the specified number of days (default is 400 days). Purging of old execution history records is disabled by default and it can be enabled in scheduler Settings. 

o WEB: Added a new job AgentExecHistoryLogPurgingJob that purges collected job execution log data in QuartzDesk JVM Agent databases used by managed schedulers. This job purges logs of execution history records that are older than the specified number of days (default is 30 days). Purging of execution history logs is disabled by default and it can be enabled in scheduler Settings. 

o WEB: Added a new job AgentMessagePurgingJob that purges old processed and permanently failed messages in QuartzDesk JVM Agent databases used by managed schedulers. The job purges messages that are older than the specified number of days (default is 30 days for processed messages and 60 days for permanently failed messages). Purging of old processed and permanently failed messages is disabled by default and it can be enabled in scheduler Settings.

o WEB: Extended support for H2 database profile. All H2 operating modes (in-memory, file and tcp) are supported. Previously the H2 database profile was only supported for the one-step installation mode. H2 support in the web application intended primarily for development and experimental purposes. All QuartzDesk Web Application Installation and Upgrade Guides updated accordingly.

o WEB: Added resizable splitters to the Jobs and Triggers tabs.

o WEB: Added tooltips to all forms. For example, all Edit Trigger forms have useful tooltips describing the trigger as well as individual trigger attributes.

Fixed Bugs:

o AGENT: Fixed a logback initialization issue (ext.ch.qos.logback.core.util.IncompatibleClassException) when the agent finds a logback.groovy, logback-test.xml, or logback.xml Logback configuration file on its classpath, or when the Logback configuration file is specified using the logback.configurationFile JVM system property. 

o AGENT, WEB: Fixed "org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'type'. One of '{issue-date}' is expected." thrown during agent/web-app startup on WebLogic 12c. 

o API: Fixed NPE in com.quartzdesk.api.agent.log.jul.JulInterceptionHandler thrown by the configured handler when the Agent is not installed. 

o WEB: Added a context menu (with a single menu item "Delete") to all job data map grids. 

o WEB: 'Max fetch date' and 'Max fetch size' tool bar option in Execution History grids are re-enabled after a data load error occurred. Previously these options were re-enabled only after a successful data load. 

o WEB: Fixed a bug with the Send Test Message button not working when editing a new message channel profile. 

o WEB: Excluded org.slf4j and org.slf4j.impl JBoss modules in jboss-deployment-structure.xml to make QuartzDesk log through the appenders configured in the logback.xml file located in the QuartzDesk work directory. 


o AGENT: Users have 4 options to specify the agent work directory location: (1) Use the standard quartzdesk-agent.work.dir JVM property, or (2) use the new workDir Java agent option (-javaagent:=workDir=), (3) let the agent use the directory the agent JAR file is located in, or (4) use the new AgentInitializer API to programmatically initialize the agent.

o WEB: Significant (50%+) improvement in the application load/startup time. 

o WEB: All QuartzDesk internal Quartz jobs are now interruptible. Therefore you can interrupt these jobs using either the QuartzDesk web application GUI, or the QuartzAnywhere web-service API. 

o WEB: GlassFish deployment descriptor (glassfish-web.xml) now enforces parent-last class-loading order.

o WEB: QuartzDesk Web application data source name changed to jdbc/QuartzDeskDS.

o WEB: Added new settings (Maintenance Tasks configuration values) to the Edit Scheduler Connection dialog. 

o WEB: Added support for auto-disabling dialog form fields based on the installed QuartzDesk edition. This affects the Application Settings and the updated Edit Scheduler Connection dialogs. 

o WEB: Tooltips are no longer automatically dismissed after 5 seconds. They stay visible until the user hovers the mouse outside of the tooltip-enabled element. 

View files

Stable 1.4.1

Released on:
Friday, 17 January 2014 15:29

QuartzDesk v1.4.1 Artifacts

Please refer to the Release notes for the list of new features, fixes and other changes in this release.

Release notes


New features:

o AGENT: Added a workaround for a bug in WebLogic 10.3.x API causing IllegalStateException during RMI sub-system initialization. The agent instruments the weblogic.rmi.provider.WorkContextAccessController class to work around the bug. For details, please refer to https://community.oracle.com/thread/2619657.

o WEB: Added weblogic.xml deployment descriptor to the quartzdesk-web WAR. Added Oracle WebLogic to the list of supported platforms. WebLogic specific QuartzDesk web-application install documentation is pending (available by Jan 25).

o AGENT: Added Oracle WebLogic to the list of supported platforms. WebLogic specific QuartzDesk JVM Agent install documentation is pending (available by Jan 25).

o WEB: db.profile configuration (quartzdesk.properties) value is validated upon startup to avoid confusing data-source creation error messages in case the db.profile value is set incorrectly.

o WEB: Added row context menus to all grids where applicable. In addition, the browser context menu has been disabled for the entire application.

o WEB: Added Enable/Disable actions to the context menu in all Execution Rules grids to make it easier for users to enable/disable individual rules without opening the editor. 

Fixed Bugs:

o WEB: QuartzDesk internal jobs annotated with DisallowConcurrentExecution to prevent multiple job instances from being executed concurrently.

o WEB: Fixed problem with invalid quarter name (e.g. Q3 instead of Q4) showing up in the period combo in Statistics tabs. 


o WEB: Removed support for the Skype message channel due to Microsoft discontinued support of the Skype Kit Java API (effective as of Jan 1, 2014). 

Have fun!
-QuartzDesk team

View files

Stable 1.4.0

Released on:
Sunday, 29 December 2013 03:00

QuartzDesk v1.4.0 Artifacts

Please refer to the Release notes for the list of new features, fixes and other changes in this release.

Release notes


New features:

o WEB: Added support for adding/editing of Quartz triggers. All 6 trigger types (CronTrigger, SimpleTrigger, CalendarIntervalTrigger, DailyTimeIntervalTrigger, DateIntervalTrigger, NthIncludedDayTrigger) are supported.

o WEB: Quartz trigger type specific attributes can be inspected in all trigger grids by expanding the trigger row.

o WEB: Added support for SNMPv1 Trap, SNMPv2c Trap and SNMPv3 Trap message channels.

o WEB: Added validation of the execution notification rule"s Enabled From and Enabled To times. The Enabled From time must precede the Enabled To time.

o WEB: Added QuartzDesk and QuartzDesk JVM Agent license edition checks when opening a scheduler view in the GUI.

o WEB: Added support for OEM overriding of QuartzDesk web-application images, CSS styles and JavaScript resources. This feature requires a license key with the OEM feature flag.

Fixed Bugs:

o AGENT: Fixed "java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: null" that occurs when the QuartzJobListener is automatically registered in Quartz 2.0.0. Other Quartz API versions not affected.

o AGENT: Fixed issue (TECH-HK5L0P1R97) causing "org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: integer out of range" on PostgreSQL DB and similar errors on other DBs when updating job/trigger/scheduler execution statistics.

o WEB: Fixed invalid validation message key problems in the execution notification rule editor.

o WEB: Fixed a problem with occasionally broken tooltips.

o WEB: Fixed a problem with grid filters (job/trigger group name) not applied when the user clicks on a column to change grid sorting.

o WEB: Read-only form elements have by reduced opacity and can therefore be easily distinguished.


o AGENT: Major re-factoring and cleanup of the Quartz scheduler instrumentation APIs.

o AGENT: Added detection of the QuartzDesk Public API prior to instrumenting Quartz API. If the QuartzDesk Public API is not detected, or is not installed properly, users see explanatory warning messages in the QuartzDesk JVM Agent logs.

o AGENT: (TECH-8B5689G970) For MySQL databases changed the type of the qd_q_exec_history.log column from TEXT to MEDIUMTEXT to be able to store intercepted job execution log data whose length exceeds 64kB (TEXT type limit).

o AGENT: Added startup check that prevents the agent from starting with the QuartzDesk Lite edition license key. The agent requires either the Standard, or Enterprise edition license key.

o SERVICE: New version (4.0) of the QuartzAnywhere web-service reflecting changes in the QuartzDesk domain model. getTriggers, getTrigger and getTriggersOfJob operations now return full-fledged trigger objects rather then trigger stubs normally provided by QuartzSchedulerMBean. Added new addTrigger and updateTrigger operations.

o SERVICE: New version (4.0) of the MessageReceiver web-service. This is just a formal upgrade as there have not been any functional changes to this web-service.

o WEB: Upgraded the bundled ExtJS framework to the latest commercial release version 4.2.2 (ext-

o WEB: Fixed "javax.management.openmbean.InvalidKeyException: Argument key="fireInstanceId" is not an existing item name for this CompositeData instance." when loading the contents of the Currently Executing Jobs on Quartz 2.0.0. Other Quartz versions not affected.

o WEB: Job grid is automatically refreshed upon adding a new job, or updating/cloning of an existing job.

o WEB: Added user-friendlier error message that pops up when the user is adding a new job, or editing an existing job and the specified job class is not found in the remote Quartz-enabled application.

o WEB: Updated the Oracle Hibernate dialect to remove the "HHH000063: The Oracle9Dialect dialect has been deprecated" warning from the application log during application startup.

o WEB: The job detail durability flag in the job detail editor is checked by default. This is to prevent an error message that pops up when adding a new non-durable job without a trigger.

o WEB: Added QuartzDesk JVM Agent compatibility checking to all QuartzDesk internal jobs that make use of QuartzDesk JVM Agent MBeans.

o WEB: All temporary files (exported chart images, job execution logs) are created under ${quartzdesk.work.dir}/tmp directory rather then in the default OS default temporary directory.

View files

Stable 1.3.2

Released on:
Wednesday, 04 December 2013 21:06

QuartzDesk v1.3.2 Artifacts

Click on the Release notes tab for the list of new features, fixes and other changes in this release.

Release notes


Fixed Bugs:

o AGENT: Fixed "com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes" that may have occurred when installing, or upgrading to 1.3.x when using the mysql, or mysql_innodb DB profile. Reduced the maximum length of the job_execution_id to 128 characters (was 256 which was causing the aforementioned problem on MySQL). 

o WEB: Fixed a problem (TECH-2JJ669ZEDU) with the "Synchronously loading 'QDesk.store.quartz.stats.SchedulerStatisticsTypeStore'; consider adding Ext.require('QDesk.store.quartz.stats.SchedulerStatisticsTypeStore')" JavaScript warning that causes the "Uncaught Error: [Ext.create] Cannot create an instance of unrecognized class name / alias: QDesk.store.quartz.stats.SchedulerStatisticsTypeStore" JavaScript error on Mac OS X (Lion).

View files

Stable 1.3.1

Released on:
Thursday, 07 November 2013 22:25

QuartzDesk v1.3.1 Artifacts

Click on the Release notes tab for the list of new features, fixes and other changes in this release.

Release notes


Fixed Bugs:

o AGENT: Fixed an agent startup issue when db.profile=mysql_innodb causing "com.quartzdesk.agent.api.AgentException: Error getting database schema SQL init script URLs." This issue was caused by a typo in the directory name that contains MySQL Innodb SQL init scripts.

o WEB: Fixed a problem (TECH-ZH087OC6XP) in Oracle upgrade scripts causing a "ORA-01418: specified index does not exist" error when upgrading from QuartzDesk < 1.2.x to 1.2.x/1.3.0.


o WEB: Added 'distributable' element to web.xml to mark the application as distributable (installable on clusters). This is a formal change for app servers/servlet containers that insist on the presence of this element in order to allow application cluster deployments.

o WEB: Added trimming of whitespace from the db.profile value. Whitespace in the value caused the DB-profile specific settings not to be found.

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Stable 1.3.0

Released on:
Friday, 18 October 2013 14:21

QuartzDesk v1.3.0 Artifacts

Click on the Release notes tab for the list of new features, fixes and other changes in this release.

Release notes


New features:

o WEB: Added new "Currently Executing Jobs" tab that allows users to view the list of all currently running jobs.

o WEB: Added Interrupt button to the "Currently Executing Jobs" tab that allows users to interrupt individual executing jobs (supported for Quartz >= 2.1.1) providing they implement the org.quartz.InterruptableJob interface.

o WEB: Added View Log button to the "Currently Executing Jobs" tab that allows users to view log messages produced by executing jobs in real-time.

o SERVICE: Added new version (3.0) of the QuartzService web-service.

o SERVICE: Added new version (3.0) of the MessageReceiverService web-service. This is just a formal version number update due to the new version of the QuartzService web-service.

o WEB: Added a noscript message to display a warning in browsers with disabled JavaScript.

o WEB: Added "Probing schedulers..." message when (re)loading contents of a Schedulers tree node folder because this action can take a while depending on the number of schedulers in the folder. 


Fixed Bugs:

o WEB: Fixed "Error opening remote JMX connection" error upon clicking the Discover button in the scheduler connection edit dialog when the REMOTING-JMX protocol is selected and no service authentication credentials are provided.

o SERVICE: Fixed missing monitoringUrls in Scheduler, Trigger and JobDetail XSD types that may have caused issues with validating SOAP clients.


o SERVICE: Replaced the original getCurrentlyExecutingJobs operation with a new one with a different response type that provides complete data describing an executing job.

o SERVICE: Replaced the original interruptJob operation with a new one that accepts a jobExecutionId that uniquely identifies an executing job. The jobExecutionId is returned by the getCurrentlyExecutingJobs operation. 

View files

Stable 1.2.0

Released on:
Friday, 04 October 2013 15:00

QuartzDesk v1.2.0 Artifacts

Click on the Release notes tab for the list of new features, fixes and other changes in this release.

Release notes


New features:

o AGENT: Added detection of application Quartz schedulers which do not have the QuartzDesk job listener (part of the quartzdesk-api.jar) on their classpath. The detected Quartz schedulers are not instrumented to prevent the ClassNotFoundException during the start of applications these Quartz schedulers are embedded in. 

o SERVICE: Added new version (2.0) of the QuartzAnywhere web-service with changes related to the support of alternative JMX protocols. QuartzAnywhere web-service API 1.0 has been deprecated, but remains functional and fully supported. 

o SERVICE: Formal update of the MessageReceiver service to version 2.0. MessageReceiver service API 1.0 has been deprecated, but remains fully supported. 

o WEB: Added support for JMXMP and REMOTING-JMX (JBoss) protocols. 

o WEB: Added support for custom JMX service URLs. 

o WEB: Added versioning support to the Web-Service message channel profiles that make use of the MessageReceiver service API (see below for changes). 

Fixed Bugs:

o AGENT: Fixed "Error inserting notification rule." when inserting a notification rule in Oracle db with the notification rule's severity value set to Warning. 

o AGENT: Deferred processing of MBean registration events because of (buggy) JBoss 6 which first broadcasts the REGISTRATION_NOTIFICATION and subsequently registers the MBean in the MBean server. 

o WEB: Fixed "NoSuchMethodException: org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.DB2v8Delegate.&init&(org.slf4j.Logger, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, org.quartz.spi.ClassLoadHelper, java.lang.Boolean)" when starting QuartzDesk with db.profile=db2. The error is caused by an invalid order of parameters in the DB2v8Delegate class shipped with Quartz 2.1.x. 

o WEB: Fixed "FileNotFoundException: class path resource [META-INF/db/quartzdesk/upgrade/mssql/] cannot be resolved to URL because it does not exist" when upgrading QuartzDesk with db.profile=mssql. 

o WEB: Fixed "SQLServerException: Incorrect syntax near 'SELECT'." error when starting QuartzDesk for the first time with db.profile=mssql. 


o API, AGENT: Decoupled job execution log interception and JobListener APIs from the QuartzDesk domain APIs to prevent class-loading collisions in JBoss 6 when QuartzDesk is deployed in a JVM that is configured with the QuartzDesk JVM Agent. 

o AGENT: Simplified quartzdesk-agent.properties by moving all quartz.* properties to the new default-quartzdesk-agent.properties in the Agent JAR. 

o AGENT: Enhanced logging of the Quartz scheduler API instrumentation steps. 

o WEB: Upgraded the internal Quartz scheduler used by QuartzDesk to execute its jobs to the latest version (2.2.0). 

o WEB: Added MessageReceiverService version selection to the Web-Service message channel profile. Currently v1.0 and v2.0 are supported. V1.0 has been marked deprecated and its usage causes deprecation warnings in the QuartzDesk log. 

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Stable 1.1.3

Released on:
Wednesday, 18 September 2013 22:48

QuartzDesk v1.1.3 Artifacts

Click on the Release notes tab for the list of new features, fixes and other changes in this release.

Release notes


Fixed Bugs:

o AGENT: Fixed a bug with the 'execStatus' message macro not being expanded in notification messages.

o AGENT: Fixed a bug causing Oracle to use a non-updateable result set when updating failed message's failCount (java.sql.SQLException: Invalid operation for read only resultset: updateString).


o AGENT: Automatic DB upgrade improvements.

o WEB: Automatic DB upgrade improvements.

View files

Stable 1.1.2

Released on:
Monday, 26 August 2013 02:00

QuartzDesk v1.1.2 Artifacts

Click on the Release notes tab for the list of new features, fixes and other changes in this release.

Release notes


New features:

o WEB: Added automatic QuartzDesk DB schema upgrade logic.

Fixed Bugs:

o AGENT: Fixed mysql_innodb db profile name (was mysql_inno) in the DB upgrade script file path.

o WEB: Renamed FK constraints (fk_qd_msg_channel_profile_fld, fk_qd_msg_channel_profile_ch, fk_qd_msg_channel_profile_fld_pf, fk_qd_sched_connection_sched_type) because some of the FK names exceeded maximum allowed length on Oracle (30 characters).


o AGENT: Updated automatic QuartzDesk JVM Agent DB schema upgrade logic.

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Stable 1.1.1

Released on:
Sunday, 04 August 2013 01:15

QuartzDesk v1.1.1 Artifacts

Click on the Release notes tab for the list of new features, fixes and other changes in this release.

Release notes


Fixed Bugs:

o AGENT, WEB: Fixed database object case-sensitivity issues on case-sensitive DBMS (e.g. MySQL on Unix/Linux with the default value of the lower_case_table_names system variable).

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Stable 1.1.0

Released on:
Tuesday, 30 July 2013 18:40

QuartzDesk v1.1.0 Artifacts

Click on the Release notes tab for the list of new features, fixes and other changes in this release.

Release notes


New features:

o WEB: Added support for QuartzDesk deployment to the Oracle GlassFish and RedHat JBoss application server. 

o AGENT: Added support for QuartzDesk JVM Agent deployment to the Oracle GlassFish and RedHat JBoss application server. 


o WEB: Renamed the QuartzDesk security realm in web.xml to QuartzDeskRealm (was QuartzDesk). 

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Stable 1.0.13

Released on:
Wednesday, 10 July 2013 02:00

QuartzDesk v1.0.13 Artifacts

Click on the Release notes tab for the list of new features, fixes and other changes in this release.

Release notes


Fixed Bugs:

o AGENT: Fixed typo in db.profile value (mysql_inno changed to mysql_innodb) in quartzdesk-agent.properies.

o WEB: Fixed typo in db.profile value (mysql_inno changed to mysql_innodb) in quartzdesk.properies. 

o WEB: Fixed wrong comment prefixes in mysql and mysql_innodb Quartz scheduler init scripts that prevented QuartzDesk from applying these scripts upon application startup. 

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Stable 1.0.12

Released on:
Tuesday, 09 July 2013 02:00

QuartzDesk v1.0.12 Artifacts

Click on the Release notes tab for the list of new features, fixes and other changes in this release.

IMPORTANT: HTTP/S Basic security has been enabled in the QuartzDesk web-application. If upgrading from previous QuartzDesk releases, make sure you read the installation documentation for details on how to set up security on individual application servers / servlet containers. Apart from that, other changes in this release should be completely transparent from the deployment perspective.

Release notes


IMPORTANT: HTTP/S Basic security has been enabled in the QuartzDesk web-application. If upgrading from previous QuartzDesk releases, make sure you read the installation documentation for details on how to set up security on individual application servers / servlet containers.

New features:

o AGENT: Added code to detect deployment of Quartz scheduler instances with non-unique scheduler name and instance ID combination (Quartz usage anti-pattern). Agent logs a warning message if such a case is detected.

o API: Added support for interception of job execution log messages for the Log4j 2 logging framework (Log4j2InterceptionAppender). 

o API: Reworked all log interception handlers / appenders. They are no longer statically bound to QuartzDesk JVM Agent APIs. Original (statically bound) handlers / appenders renamed to Classic*. 

o WEB: Enabled HTTP Basic authentication security for QuartzDesk Application, monitoring URLs and QuartzDesk web-services. 

o WEB: Added support for HTTP Basic authentication to the embedded Jetty engine (zero-installation mode). 

Fixed Bugs:

o API: Log4jInterceptionAppender did not include the exception stack trace text in the intercepted log message. 

o API: Postponed QuartzDesk JVM Agent logging interceptor lookup in JulInterceptionHandler. JUL handlers are initialized before any JVM Agent is initialized. 

o WEB: Error when accessing the / URL on WAS (ignored welcome-file-list). 

o WEB: Fixed welcome panel layout issue in Chrome. Upon closing a scheduler tab the last text line was top-padded. 


o API: Updated QuartzJobListener classes in QuartzDesk Public API to extract Quartz scheduler MBean object name from the passed JobExecutionContext rather then relying on the Quartz scheduler MBean registry maintained by the Agent. The registry could return invalid scheduler object names if there were multiple Quartz schedulers with non-unique scheduler name + instance ID combination running on the same JVM.

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Stable 1.0.11

Released on:
Monday, 17 June 2013 02:58

QuartzDesk v1.0.11 Artifacts

Click on the Release notes tab for the list of new features, fixes and other changes in this release.

Release notes


QuartzDesk JVM Agent
  • Fixed agent startup error "Error getting database schema upgrade SQL script URLs".
QuartzDesk Web-Application
  • Updated statistics "no data available" message and added link to QuartzDesk FAQs.
  • Various minor fixes / changes.

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Stable 1.0.10

Released on:
Thursday, 13 June 2013 00:03

QuartzDesk v1.0.10 Artifacts

Click on the Release notes tab for the list of new features, fixes and other changes in this release.

Release notes


  • Added db schema auto-init and auto-upgrade functionality to QuartzDesk JVM Agent.
  • Fixed statistics generation DB2 queries in QuartzDesk JVM Agent.
  • Fixed web-site link URLs in QuartzDesk UI.

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Stable 1.0.7

Released on:
Thursday, 30 May 2013 02:00

QuartzDesk v1.0.7 Artifacts

Click on the Release notes tab for the list of new features, fixes and other changes in this release.

Release notes


Temporary fix for tooltips in Chrome.

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Stable 1.0.6

Released on:
Wednesday, 29 May 2013 00:59

QuartzDesk v1.0.6 Artifacts

Click on the Release notes tab for the list of new features, fixes and other changes in this release.

Release notes


Added scheduler, job and trigger polling-based monitoring features.

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