Frequently Asked Questions - one-step-installation

FAQs - one-step-installation

The one-step installation mode allows you to get QuartzDesk Web application up and running within just a few minutes by following these five simple steps:

  1. Verify that Java Development Kit (JDK) 8, or newer has been installed on your system. 
  2. Create a QuartzDesk Web Application work directory anywhere on the local filesystem. You can use any directory name, for example, c:\quartzdesk-web, or /var/quartzdesk-web.
  3. Copy the downloaded quartzdesk-web-x.y.z.war file and QuartzDesk license key file (license.key) to the created QuartzDesk Web Application work directory.
  4. In the QuartzDesk Web Application work directory execute the following command:
    On Windows:
    JDK_HOME\bin\java.exe -jar quartzdesk-web-x.y.z.war 

    On Linux/Unix:
    JDK_HOME/bin/java -jar quartzdesk-web-x.y.y.war

    Where JDK_HOME is the path to your JDK installation directory.
  5. Wait for the application to start up and open the displayed application URL in your browser.

QuartzDesk Zero-Installation Mode

In the one-step installation mode QuartzDesk Web Application is started using an embedded Jetty servlet container / HTTP server and H2 database. The H2 database is automatically created and initialized in the QuartzDesk Web Application work directory upon application startup.

You can tweak the application web context name (default is /quartzdesk) and port number (default is 8080) using the following parameters specified at the end of the command line used to start the application:

--port <number>The HTTP port number used by Jetty. The default is 8080.--port 9090
--context-path <path>The web-application context path used by Jetty. The default is /quartzdesk. --context-path /qd


If you want to use an alternative database in the one-step installation mode, please apply the following extra configuration steps:

  1. Extract the template of the QuartzDesk Web Application configuration file from quartzdesk-web-x.y-z.war/extras/work/quartzdesk-web.properties and copy this file to the configured QuartzDesk Web Application work directory.
  2. Edit the copied QuartzDesk Web Application configuration file and change the value of the db.profile configuration property to match the desired database profile. For the list of available database profiles, please refer to the comments in the configuration file.
  3. Uncomment and adjust the values of all onestep.jdbc.* configuration properties that are applicable to the desired database.
  4. Download a JDBC driver for the desired database and add it to the WEB-INF/lib directory in the quartzdesk-web-x.y-z.war archive inside the QuartzDesk Web Application work directory.
  5. Restart the QuartzDesk Web Application in the one-step installation mode as described above.


The one-step installation mode is meant to be used solely for experimental and evaluation purposes. We advise against using this mode for any other purpose, e.g. for production deployments.