Frequently Asked Questions - smtp

FAQs - smtp

If you want to send QuartzDesk notification messages through GMail, you need to set up a message channel profile with the following parameters:

Sender: GMail account email address
SMTP Host: smtp.gmail.com
SMTP Port: 587
Use TLS: checked
Username: GMail account email address
Password: Password

In order to allow external applications, such as QuartzDesk, to send emails through GMail SMTP server, it is required to set up an App password in Google Account > Security > App passwords (https://myaccount.google.com).

GMail App Password

When creating a new password, enter the following values:

Select app: Mail
Select device: Other (Custom name) and enter "QuartzDesk SMTP Access" or a similar text to help you distinguish your app passwords.

Click Generate and copy the generated password value and paste it in the Password field of your GMail message channel profile configuration in the QuartzDesk GUI.

GMail Message Channel Profile

QuartzDesk can send notification messages through the following channels:

A custom MessageReceiverService JAX-WS web service implementation enables you to perform custom processing of received notification messages. For example, you can easily turn received notification messages into Atlasian Jira or Bugzilla tickets etc.